Mateus - Final Fantasy XIV

What is the EAC?

"Home to the Adventurers Heart"

In-Character, the EAC is an adventuring company that takes jobs all across Eorzea. Located in the Mist, we work with the Maelstrom from time to time. We handle all manner of threats, from the local banditry to bigger dangers.

Out of character, the Ember Adventuring Co. (<EACRP>) is an adventure-focused, RP-centric Free Company on the Mateus server of the popular MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. Though we prioritize storytelling and character interaction in our weekly events, we also enjoy occasional PvE content, including raids and trials.Ember began its previous iteration in 2014 on the Moon Guard server of World of Warcraft. Beginning in 2018, the guild made the jump to FFXIV. With nine years of continuous, long-running guild experience, EACRP is a laid-back and welcoming group. We enjoy making stories, and will continue to do so for many years to come. Join us!


  • 1) We are an open & inclusive community. Please be kind and respectful toward not only your fellow community members but those outside of the community as well.

  • 2) In-Character actions don't reflect upon Out-of-Character feelings.

  • 3) Be mindful of creating a positive experience for your fellow RPers.

  • 4) We're not strict on lore, but please avoid godmodding and metagaming.

  • 5) We don't prohibit ERP, nor are we an ERP guild. If you are going to enjoy a scene, please keep it to a private space/channel.

Who is EAC for?

  • Q: What kind of character fits?

  • A: Most types that fall within the category of an adventurer. Sellswords, sorcerers, artisans, etc. This also includes folks such as engineers, scholars, and even those involved in espionage.

  • Q: What if I'm an RP beginner?

  • A: We're not elitists when it comes to that sort of thing. We all started somewhere, and it's not fair to turn someone away just because they've started RPing.

  • Q: Do I have to use a character sheet?

  • A: To join the FC, no. To attend our events that will involve rolling, yes.

  • Q: Can I attend events without joining?

  • A: You can! We've got a few folks who join us at our events without being in the FC. We also have a community we're part of called Stories of Eorzea that is a platform for big collaborative storytelling if that's more of what you want instead.


Want to join us? First you'll need a quick OOC interview. Contact any of the people named below to schedule. Once complete, one of our mentors will provide the In-Character Interview and act as your point-of-contact. Feel free to reach out to your mentor if you have any concerns, and we look forward to seeing you!

Contact Us

  • In-Game Names:

  • ⦿ Telriah Aurelstar

  • ⦿ Altaichin Nergui

  • ⦿ Arry Nessus

  • ⦿ Ahri Myste

  • ⦿ Maeve Westknight

  • ⦿ Ayame Mizuhiki

  • Discord Tags:

  • ⦿ Aurelstar (Telriah)

  • ⦿ CrystalRequiem (Altaichin)

  • ⦿ online222222 (Arry)

  • ⦿ dumbmaid (Ahri)

  • ⦿ MaeveKnight#3263 (Maeve)

  • ⦿ ErrantSoul (Ayame)

Affiliated Free Companies

Maker's Mark, a home for Artisans

Lapis Luxury, trading in luxury goods

Hinganbana, tea from the Far East

Recommended Free Companies

If you're not interested in joining the EAC, here's a few different Free Companies we can recommend you take a look at.

Aetherwatch Society

Aetherscale Enterprise

Azure Flames

Past Storylines

Here are a few past & on-going storylines emblematic of what the EAC does during our main events.

The Limsan Conspiracy

A librarian from Limsa's archives by the name of Eunomia Larkspur reached out to the EAC for help after she had been targeted by Garlean secret operatives. EAC members eventually learned that she was a researcher of chemical and mechanical engineering, and she'd developed a new method of fuel refinement and engine use that the Garleans very much wanted for their technology. The EAC offered her sanctuary in exchange for sharing her notes on fuel refinement.A massive operation filled with hijinks ensued! The EAC became embroiled in a conflict between Garlemald's different operatives all working in Limsa Lominsa, all of whom were hoping Eunomia's capture would land them a promotion. Ultimately, the EAC were able to successfully play them against each other and overturn the infiltration of the city, securing Eunomia's safety and allying with the ex-operative pirate crew of the Iron Maiden in the process.

Lost Chronicles of Allag

Hired under contract by VerraGroup Research:tm: as both a security force and explorers for a seemingly abandoned Allagan Facility, the EAC went on to secure the facility.But along the journey, they discovered the remnants of Garlean experiments, from a time when a weapons group named "EX-ANIMUS" used the facility as a testbed for many projects. Vieran Cybernetic Supersoldiers, Mechanized Suits piloted only by the brain of its pilots, and even Garlean Chimera.With the defeat of the one who brought down the forces of EX-ANIMUS within the region of Gyr Abania, Caesonia sas Vanius, many ghosts of the past were put to rest at long last.

The Quietus

After a curious mission gone strange, members of the EAC were plagued by persistent nightmares. Months of suffering and investigation eventually led them to its source—a mysterious island in the Ruby Sea. Something terrible buried deep beneath a crystal cave wanted to wake from its dreams, and intended to use the adventurers to achieve its goal.EAC members traveled repeatedly to the isle of nightmares to defeat fantasies and creatures from their own worst dreams, ultimately winding further and further down the path of dreams and finding a way to seal the primal Morpheus. Allyship with several key kami as well as a partnership with local Kojin gave them enough power to seal the Dreamer... Hopefully for good?

Story Hooks

Here's a few ways your character may have heard of the Ember Adventuring Co.

  • ⦿ Job Ads posted across the major City-States; Ul'Dah, Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, etc.

  • ⦿ The EAC is somewhat well known for the Namazu in its employ. Your character might have seen them darting around Limsa Lominsa to make deliveries.

  • ⦿ Recent advances in understanding Allagan engineering were made after EAC defended an overrun Allagan dig-site.

  • ⦿ There's rumors around Limsa's markets that the EAC goes through a staggering amount of medical supplies every month. A judicious healer could likely have a good job here.

  • ⦿ The Arcanists Guild in Limsa Lominsa is abuzz after recent advancements were made by researchers from the EAC in aether protection and runic defenses.